Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Photowalk.ie is a great website where people get together to organise photowalks (no shit), where a group of people will set off on a loosely determined course with cameras in hand.

Having already been on one photowalk with a few of the heads from the boards.ie photography forum, and due to the fact that they had organised one literally on my doorstep, I packed up my gear including my spanky new tripod, and off I went.

As usual there were folks of all levels there, which is great as a beginner as people are normally more than happy to chat and offer advice where appropriate. I re-took some of the photos that I previously posted using my mini tripod, as I was interested to see what they would turn out like using 1) A full-size tripod and 2) some manual settings.

Bell X-1 @Google

The thoroughly excellent Bell X-1 (The band, not the first aircraft to break the speed of sound, although I suppose that too was somewhat excellent) dropped into Google a few months back to play a lunchtime set for Musicians@Google.

By now I hope I'm getting an idea for what makes a good photo, or at least what may look interesting, so I perched myself up at the front row for both the sound check and the gig itself and took a few shots.

After each gig, the organisers of Musicians@Google in Dublin arrange for a picture of the artist to be hung outside the venue, along with a guitar that everyone so far has signed. Since getting 3 band members into one shot was next to impossible, I decided to have a go at making a montage photo out of a single shots of all 3. The outcome, for better or for worse, can be seen below!